
The Importance of Membership Sites and Restricted Audience Access

Written by Elizabeth Akass | October 7, 2021

In the age of customer self-service, it is becoming increasingly vital for both B2C and B2B businesses to provide personalised website experiences for their customers. 

The HubSpot CMS Enterprise solution helps its customers archive this by offering two key levels of functionality that allow secure access to personalised information and experiences. Depending on your security or personalisation needs, and of course your relationship with the visitor, it is possible to create either a Membership Site that is password protected, offering a fully personalised and secure 1-2-1 experience, or using the Restricted Audience Access tools, it is possible to publish content and online customer journeys that are only available and visible to a selected audience that can be managed within your HubSpot CRM. 

Membership sites require visitors to have an account in order to access certain content. It allows businesses to take personalisation and self-service a step further, providing content tailored to an individual or group’s preferences or needs, search purchase history, or display specialised deals and discounts only available to them.  

HubSpot’s powerful CRM software, list segmentation tool and memberships feature all work together to create areas of your website that only contacts on specific lists in HubSpot can access. In addition, by implementing restricted audience access, you can create knowledge base articles and blogs for relevant members or customers. 

Below we have collated the key benefits of membership sits and restricted audience access: 

Provide a better personalised user experience 

B2C membership sites and restricted content 

By leveraging membership sites and restricted content, you are able to: 

  • Offer a more personalised customer view of your website – with specifically tailored recommendations based on what has been viewed or purchased previously. 
  • Create relevant lists of contacts in HubSpot and run relevant promotions and special offers that only that selected segment of your audience can see. 
  • Target specific segmented lists of contacts, or buyer personas, with content tailored for their needs and interests. 
  • Provide helpful content and updates that only existing customers can see. 
  • Provide higher discounts for repeat customers with exclusive links that only those individuals can access and use. 

These all contribute to a more personalised customer experience that provides useful, tailored content to help customers complete their purchases more quickly, or choose the next content they consume more easily by being provided follow-up suggestions from what they have previously consumed or rated highly.  

Almost any B2C organisation can benefit from this feature – from online retailors and food delivery services, to online streaming services and media outlets, to charities and fundraising websites, and more. 



B2B membership sites and restricted content 

In a B2B context, membership sites and restricted content can be utilised by: 

  • Providing training information, insights and advice to your customers on your products or services that are only visible to existing customers, tailored to what they have purchased. 
  • Suggesting relevant upselling or cross-selling options for more products and services that may be relevant based on their buying history. 
  • Promote updates, news, and events only relevant to your existing customers. 
  • Provide discounts or special offers only available to existing customers. 

By using this HubSpot feature, you can provide further value to your customers by helping them get full use from the product or service they have purchased from you. By using segmented lists and HubSpot’s data analytics tools to further measure engagement, you are able to gain more in-depth insights into your customers and target audience and leverage this knowledge to provide them with communications and content that show you understand their needs and interests. 

This enables you to maintain a positive relationship and continue delighting your customers long after purchase, increasing the chance that they will become a repeat customer and an evangelist. 



Enable customers to self-serve with ease 

Membership sites and restricted audience access empowers customers and prospects with arguably the easiest way to get what they need efficiently. You can create an effective, personalised portal within your website for your customers to return to time and time again with ease, knowing that their experience will be tailored to what they are looking for. 

In addition, it is best practice to ensure that you include information and answers that your contacts may be searching for – removing the need for customers or prospects to contact customer service for more minor issues or questions. 

Secure your commercially sensitive information 

Membership sites enable you to offer higher discounts or special offers to repeat customers, with exclusive links that only they can view. Restricted content also allows you to adjust your pricing for different individuals where needed – for example, insurance companies may need to alter their pricing based on a list of criteria that assesses risk. It is important that this type of commercially sensitive information is only viewed by the relevant individual, so restricted URLs that aren’t accessible by anyone else are used. 

Don’t get left behind 

Membership sites and restricted customer access in HubSpot make it easier than ever before to build one-to-one relationships with customers that can be hugely beneficial to a wide variety of businesses across B2C and B2B.  

In today’s ever-evolving digital world, customers have come to expect this level of personalisation and service, and when an organisation has not invested in making this possible to improve a customer or prospect’s visiting experience, it can be viewed as falling short at best, and unprofessional and uncaring at worst. Stay at the forefront of your industry and give your customers the best user experience possible with HubSpot’s membership sites and restricted content. 

Membership sites are available in HubSpot's CMS Hub Enterprise.


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