Our 60 Second Video Series comprises of HubSpot tutorials designed to help you improve your skills with the platform. This page breaks down a variety of areas you may come across while using HubSpot, from website development, to email marketing or recording calls, or even using the reporting dashboards. If you're new to HubSpot, these video run-throughs will help you get up to speed in no time. 

If you are looking for a specific video and can't find it here, submit your HubSpot question and our team will send you a video answer within 24 hours. You might also find useful our resources page which has a lot of free inbound marketing eBooks and HubSpot blogs.


A suite of explainer videos to support your marketing efforts on HubSpot. Learn best practice for email marketing, or social media marketing. Once you've grasped the basics, our reporting dashboards can help you quantify your successes to your business. 

Sales & CRM

Handle what would typically be tedious, manual tasks fast. Our helpful how-to videos can help you accelerate your sales cycle and spend less time doing admin. Organise all of your sales & CRM activities in one place so you have more time to speak with your prospects.