2 min read

Optimise Your Sales & Marketing Using HubSpot

Posted by ProsperoHub on April 13, 2021

In this changing sales landscape, adopting and implementing HubSpot to effectively manage your daily operations processes is a significant step for any business. The HubSpot platform can help align your teams, enhance productivity, increase efficiency and provide you with essential prospect insights at any stage of the buyer's journey. However, not using the CRM platform to its full potential can bring detrimental results.

See how to develop a robust Sales Enablement strategy by combining the sales and marketing tools which provides you with full visibility of a campaign’s success, including progress in meeting internal KPIs, in-depth insight into your prospects buying journey and progression through the sales funnel.

Maximising Lead Generation using CRM

According to research conducted by HubSpot, 61% of marketers say generating both traffic and leads through their website is currently their biggest challenge.

Fully adopting the Inbound Methodology, centred around HubSpot, will enable you to attract and engage with your target market providing them with relevant content at the right time. This can only happen when the efforts of your sales and marketing team are fully aligned and documented within HubSpot.

Typically, the development, management and creation of quality content falls under the responsibility of Marketing. However, its crucial role within Sales Enablement means that now, more than ever, your content strategy must be something your sales teams are actively aware of.

When empowered with an effective content strategy, your sales team will be able to leverage content to learn key insights into the prospects they are engaging with; while engagement data can be analysed to inform targeting and approach strategies.

Removing Manual Sales & Marketing Processes

One of the most attractive features of HubSpot is the ability to begin phasing out manual processes within your Sales & Marketing efforts to maximise productivity and create fully nurtured leads you can move along the buyer's journey.

More often than not, Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) that come from Inbound Marketing efforts aren’t always ready to engage on the phone with your Inside Sales team. Using your content strategy, you can build out an effective follow-up sales email sequence that progresses prospects from the Awareness stage through to Decision, and can help to increase the likelihood of conversion. Using HubSpot’s automated workflow capability allows your Sales team to nurture prospects at the click of a button, whilst still gaining insight into when and where prospects have interacted at any stage of the sequence.

Progressing Leads faster with HubSpot 

When implemented effectively, HubSpot can deliver results not only for Sales & Marketing teams, but for the overall business.

By letting HubSpot take care of manual processes, your Sales & Marketing professionals are left to spend their day on what matters - attracting your target market and generating leads. Coherent reporting and analytics capabilities allow Marketing to pinpoint which content and marketing channels are converting prospects into MQLs at the highest rate.

Setting up lead scoring to track prospects as they move through the sales funnel allows your Sales team to engage with prospects at a time when they are more likely to convert, ensuring less time is wasted on leads who are not ready to talk or not sufficiently qualified.


Keen to learn more and improve your lead flow using HubSpot?

ProsperoHub offers bespoke implementation strategies for Marketing and Sales Hub, delivered by our in-house HubSpot experts. As HubSpot Elite partners and 1 of only 2 HubSpot onboarding partners in Europe, we are in the perfect position to help you increase your lead flow through HubSpot.


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Topics: Sales Enablement, Lead Generation, HubSpot Training

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